These all our initiatives witch are being —- by —-
We need support for developing these projects.
Все эти проекты являються нашей инициативой, не один не имеет в данный момент финансовой поддержки.
Все совершаеться на интузиазме и идейности всех участвующих в их реализации.
Мы будем
Это воплощение наших желаний и идей в жизнь,
Вы можете поддержать любой проект
Эти проекты являються нашей инициативой и не имеют за собой никакой финансовой поддержки. Исключением являеться Erasmus+ обмены, в которых мы выступаем на данный момент как партнеры и участникам покрываються

Bioetika Educational program
The main purpose of Bioetika Educational program is to develop an understanding of social problems, the concepts of ethics and mutual assistance, in social life and environment. Studies will rise empathy and solidarity, awareness and responsibility for the actions. Ability to analyse and find solutions and making actions which will involve welfare for people and care for environment and inhabitants.
Studies includes of Ecology, Animal Rights, Human Rights, history of humanity and analysis of the causes of wars and conflicts, studies of the nature of aggression and it’s prevention. Studies of Psychology and Sociology for understanding the difference between personal feelings, how to build healthy relationships with others, and how being created influence on society and general opinions and beliefs.
- Developing ethical studies for children and youth
- Teacher’s guide
- Get New Habits – guide
- Additional materials for youth workers and teachers
- Workshops
- Informal methods
- Studies in schools
The test and examples of some methods of the program, which being developed, was partially achieved in 2009 when bioetika program was taken as additional subject for one semester in 5-8 grades of a local school. It brought positive impact in the next two month, children created an initiatives for society, as collecting things for people in need and animals and going to the animal shelter.
But for developing the whole program requires more resources and possible grants.

Social Films/Animation
Creating content and bringing awareness trough the media
- Documentaries
- Short Films
- Animation
- Educational films
Here is the link to the page where you can watch the rest.
Also you can check the YouTube page.

Healthy Cooking Show “V for Vitamins”
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Volunteers/Activists Social Actions
What changes we can make
Making actions
Free Market (Social Event)
Volunteering in a concerts/festivals
Collecting stuff from schools

Volunteering in a concerts/festivals
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Free Market+Social Help
These social event “Free Market”
- People bringing things they don’t need and take something they like from what others brought. Or just leave it, because it charity.
2. Approx. after 3h when event ends, volunteers separate the stuff, that going to be transferred further.
3. Things delivery to the shelters, social centers and Red Cross from the distant area.
All expenses for the gas and car covered by the volunteers of donations from people who visiting the event.

Thematic Songs
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International Training Courses/Youth Exchanges
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Thematic exhibitions were organised
- Animal Rights
- Human Rights
- Ecology

Series of video reports “Bioetika Life”
“Bioetika Life” is a series of video reports, that will bring up various situations and issues from our everyday life. We will look at it from the ethical point of view and will find possible positive solutions.
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