Main goals of the organization is to raise awareness of welfare, animal welfare and environmental concerns and to educate people in those areas.
Our key principles are: care for people, animals, nature; social action; innovation and education.
Name of the organization “Bioetika” means “Bioethics”.
Initial group of activists/volunteers was formed in 2007 and officially registered in 2015. The main idea of the movement is to be autonomous, don’t wait for someone to save the world or not. Everyone is able to make changes by themselves day by day.

Education Project
This is our main long-term project.
Project has started from making informative materials like brochures, displaying films in schools and universities, and organizing informative weeks in schools.
It is focused on developing Bioethics program for children in primary and secondary school. This was partially achieved in 2009 when bioethics program was taken as additional subject for one semester in 5-8 grades of a local school. The total program is aimed for children and youth, as well there additional materials for youthworkers and teachers.
The main purpose of Bioethics program is to develop an understanding of social problems, the concepts of ethics and mutual assistance, social life, and environment. We are working on education programs and our goal is to spread and publish them:
- Get New Habits – guide
- Developing ethical studies for children and youth
- Teacher’s guide
- Additional materials for youth workers and teachers
- Workshops
- Informal methods
- Studies in schools

Volunteers/Activists Social Projects
With help of our group of volunteers/activists many charity events have been organized:
help for animal shelters and orphan houses, including organizing social events there; collecting clothes and things for shelters; visiting elderly people; cleaning forests and green zones from the garbage;
concerts; exhibitions and other charity events.
One of the biggest charity events organized is Free Market that involves over 300 people and is held several times a year.
The aim of Free Market is to exchange used clothes and other unneeded things, after the event surplus things were given away to shelters, orphan houses, far away villages, animal shelters, homeless people and elderly houses.
Another part of our activism is production of Social Films about ecology, children rights, people with disabili-ties, shelters.
And informative presentations about ecology and ethics in schools,universities, special informative programs for orpjan houses (telling opportunities of Education projects, EU projects, EVS, Work Away, International Vo-lunteering and Bioethics).

Art & Media Projects
Main goal of this project is to show bioethics issues trough the art.
Exhibitions in schools, public places and art places were organized within the project. Collages about Ecology and Animal Rights created by Alexandra Berliner in 2005 were exhibited.
Social films about Ecology, Children Rights, People with disabilities, shelters were created and displayed.
“Re-ART” The aim of the project is to raise awareness about Ecology issue by creating art (eco-workshops, creating short films and photography). One of the first projects were organised in 2012, it united 28 youngsters from 4 different countries – Spain, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Latvia. After there were too many activities were organised. The last one is a creation of Neon Plastic Jungle installation in Con Non Con gallery in 2020. By Alexandra Berliner and team of volunteers.
Charity concerts and events, discussions were organized within the project.
We are non-profit organisation and everything we do are build by volunteers, motivation, common values and believes. You can support our future actions and if you want to become a volunteer and join, please contact us.