Alexandra from Bioetika had a chance to participate and film the 4th Emerging Leaders Conference organised by World Youth Alliance Europe. This event took place in Brussels from the 27th to 30th of November, the conference brought around 70 young people from all over Europe to discuss with and learn from policymakers and experts about topics under the conference theme Population and Environment: Building a Sustainable World.

The panel discussion in European Parliament was made up by MEP’s Alojz Peterle, Arne Gericke, Karl Falkenberg (Former Senior Adviser for Sustainable Development to the President of the European Commission), Catherine De Wolf (Innovators under 35) and Hrvoje Vargic.

Le Biais Vert” is a new independent media and an initiative developed by Félicien Bogaerts. The main idea is to rise up issues about ecology which we don’t speak enough in the traditional media.  Interest for the respect of our environment, preservation of our planet and the maximization of the comfort of life of all inhabitants.