We are looking for Latvian participants for the project “Leadership through Humanitarian Values” It is an Erasmus+ training by the Hungarian Red Cross and Red...
”Cultural Humanimals” issues
The purpose of the video created on the project “Cultural Humanimals” is to inform about the issue of consumption of animals nowadays. Credits: Idea and...
A short video was created on the project “CulturalHumanimals”
Project “Get New Habits”
Here is the video from our project “Get New Habits” organised and sponsored by Erasmus+. Really great time and amazing people who are motivated to change...

Project “CulturalHumanimals”
Through this project we’re trying to share and understand different approaches to animals, ourselves as/with/around animals and how our cultures are defined by them. Participants...

TC “Get Active Locally”
Three participants from Bioetika took part in the Training Course “Get Active Locally” withch took place in Minsk, Belarus from 27.08.2018 until 02.09.2018. Host organisation...

(Latviešu) Projekts “Get New Habits”
Sorry, this entry is only available in Latvian and Russian.

Call for the participants for the eco project “Get New Habits”
We are inviting you to take part in the international eco project “Get New Habits”, The project will take place from 21 to 30 April in...

Partnership and internship
From November 2017 we signed a partnership agreement with the University of Economics and Culture (EKA). And we had our first volunteers and interns. Here is the...